Anglican Convocation Europe
St Thomas' is a contemporary, evangelical, Anglican congregation in Edinburgh. We are part of a global network through being a member church of the Anglican Convocation Europe (ACE). ACE is committed both to faithfulness to God's word and to enabling mission across the continent of Europe.
The term convocation means "gathering". In the case of ACE the convocation is a group of churches who are working together to proclaim the good news of Jesus. In particular, ACE seeks to bring together Anglicans 'diverse in expression, and contemporary in practice'.
ACE is Anglican which means valuing that liturgical and sacramental heritage.
ACE trusts the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, containing all things necessary for salvation, and to be the final authority for Christian faith and life.
ACE is orthodox, united in the Jerusalem Declaration 2008 which upholds the three historic Creeds, the Thirty-Nine Articles and the doctrines expressed in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
And ACE is Global, joyfully part of the worldwide fellowship of Anglicans brought together by the Global Anglican Futures Conference (Gafcon) and under the provision by the Gafcon Primates of episcopal oversight for Europe.
Visit the ACE website