Funky Frog Clubs, Colombia
St Thomas' support the work of the Funky Frog Clubs in Colombia. Formerly run by a local charity (the Vive Foundation), responsibility for the Clubs has now been taken on by a local denomination, the Association of Evangelical Churches of the Caribbean (in Spanish AIEC).
In common with many places in Latin America, Colombia has seen huge church growth over the last few decades but the development of resources for children's work has not always kept pace. By training churches to run a "Funky Frog Club" (in Spanish "Club Rana Bacana"), this project seeks to fill that gap. Children learn to be disciples of Jesus and learn from high-quality, contextualised Bible Teaching materials that are used in Colombia and beyond.
Through the work of the Funky Frog Club, thousands of children and their families have got to know the life-giving gospel of Jesus.
If you would like to know more, please contact Fiona Christie.
Church members can donate to the work of the Funky Frog Clubs through the St Thomas' World Concern Group (please speak to its Treasurer, Miller Bogie) or donations may be directly to Vive via Latin Link at: