Locality information
These links will take you to external websites were you can find out more about what is happening in the local community around St Thomas' Church.
Please note that St Thomas' cannot take responsibility for the content of any external websites.
North West Locality
Currently, Corstorphine is part of the North West locality.
City of Edinburgh Council locality boundaries information is available at: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/file/27031/city-of-edinburgh-council-boundaries-map.
The Northwest Edinburgh Locality Improvement Plan 2017-2022 is viewable
The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan of 19 December 2023 is available
Corstorphine Elected Representatives
City of Edinburgh Council (CEC)
Corstorphine is within the boundaries of two Council wards:
Ward 3: Drumbrae/Gyle
Ward 6: Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Councillors Ward 3:
Councillor Robert Aldridge robert.aldridge@edinburgh.gov.uk (Lord Provost)
Councillor Euan Hyslop Cllr.Euan.Hyslop@edinburgh.gov.uk
Councillor Edward Thornley Cllr.Edward.Thornley@edinburgh.gov.uk
Councillors Ward 6:
Councillor Alan Beal Cllr.Alan.Beal@edinburgh.gov.uk
Councillor Euan Davidson Cllr.Euan.Davidson@edinburgh.gov.uk
Councillor Fiona Bennett Cllr.Fiona.Bennett@edinburgh.gov.uk
Scottish Parliament
Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP Alex.Cole-Hamilton.msp@parliament.scot
Westminster Parliament
Christine Jardine MP christine.jardine.mp@parliament.uk
Corstorphine Community Council
Community Councils are set up by the local authority and comprise individual, elected community councillors and representatives of local groups. The Corstorphine Community Council works with the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS and Police Scotland to help enhance the local area and to ensure that the views, opinions and concerns those living and working here are being taken into account when decisions on amenities, traffic and planning affecting our neighbourhood are being made. Further information available at their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/corstorphinecc.
As a result of boundary changes which come into effect on 28 March 2025, Corstorphine Community Council has been replaced by three new community councils as noted below. Further details available from the City of Edinburgh Community Council web pages.
Corstorphine & Clermiston
Corstorphine East and West Craigs
Corstorphine Gyle
Planning information is a key part of local community's interaction with the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC). Weekly lists are produced as well as information on consultations. From May 2020, weekly listings of applications and decisions are available from the Council website at: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/planningweeklylists
You may be interested in details of the CEC's plans for the new Maybury Primary School, now approved, and to be build as part of a large housing development to the west of St Thomas'.
Information on current consultations
Please see the City of Edinburgh Council information here.
Please see Scottish Government consultations here.
Corstorphine Business Community
A voluntary association of local businesses whose aims are:
Promoting business prosperity and its positive contribution to community life;
Facilitation of business networking;
Providing links to information, resources and support for business;
Engaging with strategic planning for business and community development.
The group, individual members and other local businesses have been involved in community projects such as the
Corstorphine Community Support Project.
See their Facebook page for more details.
Updated 26 March 2025